Protoxkit F
The ciliated Protozoan toxicity test is intended for toxicity screening of chemicals, effluents, surface waters, wastewaters, groundwaters, sediment pore waters and elutriates.
Protoxkit F contains all necessary materials to perform six chronic 24h growth inhibition tests with the freshwater ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila. This small-scale bioassay is cost-effective, culture-independent and highly standardised.
How to order?
Test criterion
The chronic Tetrahymena thermophila toxicity test is a 24h bioassay based on the growth inhibition of the test organisms, with calculation of the 24h EC50.
Contents of the Protoxkit F
- Tubes with ciliated protozoans in steady state condition, to supply the live biota directly for the Tetrahymena thermophila toxicity test.
- Concentrated toxicant dilution medium, tubes with substrate and reconstitution medium, spectrophotometric cells and cell holders.
- Short Bench Protocol and standard operating procedure brochure with easy-to-follow instructions and detailed illustrations.
- Data scoring sheets and a Quality Control specification sheet with batch number of the cysts and the media.
- Tubes with ciliated protozoans in steady state condition, to supply the live biota directly for the Tetrahymena thermophila toxicity test.
- Concentrated toxicant dilution medium, tubes with substrate and reconstitution medium, spectrophotometric cells and cell holders.
- Short Bench Protocol and standard operating procedure brochure with easy-to-follow instructions and detailed illustrations.
- Data scoring sheets and a Quality Control specification sheet with batch number of the cysts and the media.
All test materials and equipment included in the Protoxkit F are available separately.
Benefits of the Protozoan toxicity test
- We produce high-quality uniform axenic stock cultures in strictly controlled conditions. This way, we preclude variability associated with recruitment/maintenance of live stocks in conventional bioassays.
- The quality of the standardised test medium is highly uniform, thanks to simple dilution of concentrated solutions of selected salts with deionised water.
- A Quality Control test with a reference chemical is described in detail, so you can easily check accuracy and reproducibility.
- The ciliated protozoans in steady state condition are directly available, which eliminates the need and the costs of continuous culturing and maintenance of your test organisms.
- The Tetrahymena thermophila toxicity test requires minimal space and equipment:
- spectrophotometer
- incubator
- conventional laboratory glassware
- If you store the stock culture properly, you can prolong the shelf life of the organisms for several months and reduce test scheduling constraints.
- Simple handlings and scorings.
- Total performance time of the Protozoan toxicity assay is approximately 1 hour.
- We can provide you with a computer program for easy Toxkit data treatment.
- The sensitivity of Tetrahymena thermophila is comparable to that of other ciliates in activated sludges and is hence a good indicator for toxic hazard in influents of wastewater treatment plants.
- Growth inhibition NOEC’s determined with Protoxkit F tests are ecologically meaningful thresholds for the protection of protozoan microfauna in benthic communities and the wellfunctioning of the ciliate component in activated sludges.
- The Tetrahymena thermophila toxicity test is used in many environmental laboratories and research institutes worldwide
- You can find a substantial number of publications, posters, reports and reviews for various uses.
Interested in buying Protoxkit F?
It contains all the materials you need to perform six chronic 24h growth inhibition tests with the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila.